Newspaper Clipping Service
Magnolia – A full service regional press clipping and research organization. As a full service press clipping bureau offering media monitoring concentrated in our two states, we offer a variety of products to help you manage your information. Magnolia provides comprehensive statewide press clipping services press release tracking, legal notice (bid notice, RFP’s), online research, advertisement tracking, and analysis services from all Mississippi and Alabama publications. Our newspaper clipping service can deliver the needed information by electronic delivery via secure FTP logon, Clips on Disc, or standard mail. We are a newspaper clipping, research service, and media analysis service comprised of two sister companies covering both the print and electronic media.
Who Needs a Clipping Service?
- Public Relations
- Politicians and Political campaigns
- Press Release Tracking
- Invitation to Bid
- Information Gathering
The following links contain information that will answer common questions:
- Why Use a Clipping Service
- Clips on Disc
- Custom Legal Notice & Bid Reports (Description, Sign-up and Rates)
- Clipping Rates (Description of Clipping Services)
- Broadcast Monitoring
- Media Measurement and Analysis
- Internet Clipping Service
- Services Overview
- Magnolia FAQ