Print Clipping Analysis
Advanced Clip Analysis: Clients can elect to receive a customized Newspaper Clipping Analysis Report which includes information designed for your needs in a 6 column format. This report includes the date of publication, name of publication, county, city, state, and circulation. However, these reports are customizable for each client and may include bar graphs etc. Clipping Measurement and Calculated Ad Equivalency, plus the number of column inches in each article coupled with its advertising equivalency value. Clipping Measurement and Calculated Ad Equivalency fee is $55 per month, $0.55 per clip in addition to your regular clipping fees. Listed below are the metrics and charts that are included on the Report.
- Data Chart listing of all of your clips
- Total Clip Count
- Total Column Inches
- Total Media Value
- Total Circulation
- Clip Count by Date
- Column Inches by Date
- Media Value by Date
- Circulation Date
- Clip Count by Type (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, etc…)
- Column Inches by Type (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, etc…)
- Media Value by Type (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, etc…)
- Circulation by Type (DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, etc…)
- Clip county by location (County/Parish)
Television Media Analysis:
Clients can elect to receive a customized Television, Radio and Internet Media Analysis spreadsheet report that measures and calculates customized information to include the following criteria for clips published: Station, Date, Time, Newscast, Market Rank, Nielsen’s Estimated Audience Ratings, Total Run Time, 30 Second Ad Value, Calculated Publicity Value, Tone, Placement, Prominence, other customizable fields.